![]() In a continuing effort to reach out to children and families in crisis, we have been working with several upscale hotels and faith communities, and are working towards establishing a 12 month round “clearinghouse” of goods to be distributed to needy agencies working with homeless children, families in crisis and children impacted by violence. Also, The Adopt A Bear program was created and installed on the web site as a means to raise awareness and to support the financial needs of CRF in meeting the goals of assisting families and children who are impacted by crisis. Every bear donated receives a certificate, and .80 of every dollar of the funds from these bears goes directly to the children. Current Agencies in Need Denver Public School System CHANCE Arapahoe Health and Human Services Denver Health and Human Services Monthly Donation Drives
Visit the Calendar/Events tab for more information on these events
For more information download: Monthly Donation Drives
All non-profits need the help from the community to continue to provide services and goods to the clients they outreach. We provide a hand up, not a hand out. Your help is crucial! To donate: Contact: Joanne Kappel, Executive Director E-Mail: childrescue97984@aol.com Please send all donations and mail inquiries to: Child Rescue Foundation 2443 S. University Blvd #273 Denver CO 80210 Visa, Mastercard and Discover gladly taken. Please call 303-628-0477 for processing information. |
Providing financial support to children and families impacted by violence since 1999.